Shipping & Returns

Due to state laws, we do not ship to the follow states: CA, IA, ID, MN, OR, VA, WV, WY

If you’re having second thoughts about your purchase, don’t worry; you have 30 days from the delivery date to return it and get a refund.



If you haven't experienced the desired results with our products, it's possible that you haven't found the optimal dosage. Many of our customers who initially find CBD ineffective for their specific needs often discover significantly improved outcomes when they switch to a higher dosage of our products.

If you believe that to be the case, simply reach out to our customer support team through email at (or call 1-800-324-0730) and somebody will help you find the right CBD product and dosage for you.



Items must be at least half full to be eligible for a refund. All of our products contain at least one month’s (30 days) supply of the recommended serving size. This allows you to use a daily dose of the recommended serving size for two weeks to see if the product is right for you. If you’ve used a majority or all of your product, you’re not eligible for a refund or return.

To initiate a return, please send our customer support team an email at with the subject “Return Request” (or call 1-800-324-0730) and we’ll send you an address to send the products back to.

  • You may cancel an order at any time prior to shipment.
  • Customer is responsible for return shipping costs
  • Product must be returned to receive a refund
  • Once we receive your return, a full refund will be issued


How do I manage my subscription? What if I want to cancel?

Shoot us an email at or give us a call at 1-800-324-0730 and we’ll take care of that for you!